Our Parelli Natural Horsemanship journey

Monday, July 25, 2011

Invaluable Pause

When I think of making progress I think of forward momentum and action. When I evaluate my progress with Satin I often feel as if we are not moving fast enough, and sometimes I even feel stuck. I usually get down on myself for being stagnant which often results in a lack of positivity.

Something I have realized recently, partly due to my deepening understanding and practice of yoga and partly due to my expanding savvy from PNH, is that an integral part of progress is pause. Just like yoga is founded on the breath, in and out, deep and allowing, our horsemanship journey needs to breathe. We benefit from a pause -- a full inhale and a deep exhale – to clear our mind. As it relates to PNH, I find it so important to take those moments often to remember how far we have come and all that awaits us. A moment spent playing the friendly game is invaluable. Friendly moments are the foundation of our relationship.

Put your heart in your hand and touch your horse with your heart. – Pat Parelli

Take the time it takes, and it will take less time. – Pat Parelli

Yoga doesn't take time, it gives time.  -Ganga White

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