Our Parelli Natural Horsemanship journey

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Early Stages

How interesting. Satin is either incredibly bored or very confused... or a mixture of both.

I played with her a second time yesterday and yes, it was hot, but she generally doesn't appear as affected by the heat as many other horses (and people, for that matter). She wasn't sweaty or sluggish, but when we played she just seemed... bored. I get distracted by her expressions while we play and I find myself saying, "C'mon Satin, how come you're not having fun?"
I guess I must be forcing the issue.

Here's an example:
On a 12' line, send her on the circle. She goes with a decent amount of energy and pep in her step. But she's kind of pulling and looking the other way. I allow her to disengage, but she's so lost in her own little bored world that she doesn't see me blatantly saying "You can stop now". So I slowly reel her in, still staring at her zone 5, when finally she snaps out of it and the tires screech to a halt. "Oh! I can stop now!"
Hmmm, how interesting. She goes introverted when she's bored. Or maybe she goes introverted when she feels pushed?
Oh boy! A new challenge!
The early stages of any learning is always tumultuous! 

1 comment:

Parelli Central said...

I know how you feel, I have been through similar frustrations with my own horse. What horsenality is Satin? Mine is a LBI, so he gets bored quickly, and if I don't change the games up, he tunes me out. Maybe what's happening to you? So if he got bored with the circling game, I would make it a traveling circle, then introduce an obstacle. That usually got his attention. I always find it fun to experiment, see what my horse found interesting, and what he didn't. And yes, this journey will cause you to say, Hmm, how interesting! Good luck Kathy!


Parelli Central