Our Parelli Natural Horsemanship journey

Monday, February 22, 2010

Silly Satin, tricks are for kids!

If you can't get out of the way... you're too slow! Poor Satin has always been slow to move, whether it be from an alpha horse or under saddle. Not much gets her going, except boredom! She's a complex girl.

Well, combine her night blindness with her lack of momentum and an aggressive alpha mare, and you get bite lacerations and kick hematomas. All well and fine, until it escalates to serious injuries.
There is no one to blame except myself for Satin's most recent injury. She tried to tell me she didn't want to go out into the pasture. I was thinking, "Oh, I can't spoil her so much. She needs to go out like everyone else."

And to show Mommy just how mean she was for not letting her stay in her stall, she gets brought to the barn in the morning with blood dripping down her leg. Oh, Satin.
From the looks of it the alpha mare shoved her into a fence... and here's the results:

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